After Wisdom Tooth Removal


Immediately Following Surgery
How to Manage Bleeding
Will there be a lot Swelling after wisdom tooth removal?
Pain management tips
What can i Eat after wisdom tooth extraction?
How to Keep your mouth clean
Is Discoloration normal after having your wisdom teeth removed?
What Antibiotics should I take?
Is Nausea & Vomiting normal after wisdom tooth removal?
Other Complications:
Healing timeline after removal of wisdom teeth

Read Our Commonly Asked Questions After Wisdom Tooth Removal

The removal of impacted teeth is a serious surgical procedure that necessitates meticulous post-operative care to ensure optimal recovery. Our top priority is minimizing unnecessary pain and potential complications such as infection and swelling, which can be significantly reduced if patients adhere closely to the provided instructions. It is crucial for individuals to carefully read our commonly asked questions after wisdom tooth removal, as these comprehensive guidelines offer valuable insights into proper care techniques. By following these instructions diligently, patients can enhance their healing process and minimize any discomfort or risks associated with the surgery.


Immediately following surgery, it is crucial to follow the post-operative instructions for a successful recovery after wisdom teeth removal. Upon completion of the surgery, a gauze pad will be placed over the surgical area, and it should remain undisturbed for at least half an hour. As time elapses, it becomes necessary to change the gauze pad every 20-30 minutes within the first two hours. While doing so, remember to discard the used gauze pad appropriately and replace it with a fresh one.

It is essential to avoid any vigorous mouth rinsing or touching of the wound area, as this can disrupt the formation of blood clots and potentially induce bleeding. To alleviate discomfort promptly, make sure to take your prescribed pain medications as soon as you begin feeling any uneasiness—typically when the effects of local anesthesia start subsiding. On that note, try limiting your activities on the day of surgery and gradually resume normal routines once you feel comfortable enough. Additionally, placing ice packs on both sides of your face where the surgery was performed can aid in reducing swelling.


Immediately following your wisdom teeth removal surgery, it is important to understand how to effectively manage any bleeding that may occur. While a certain amount of bleeding is normal, excessive bleeding requires prompt attention. To begin managing the bleeding, start by rinsing or gently wiping away any old clots from your mouth. Next, take a sterile gauze pad and place it over the area where the bleeding is occurring. Bite down firmly on the gauze for thirty minutes to help control the flow of blood. If necessary, repeat this process until the bleeding begins to subside. In case you are still experiencing persistent bleeding, moisten a tea bag and bite down on it for another thirty minutes. The tannic acid found in tea helps contract blood vessels and encourages clot formation. Remember to stay calm and avoid getting overly excited, as excitement can exacerbate bleeding. It is also advised that you sit upright and refrain from engaging in any strenuous physical activities during this time to minimize further complications with post-operative bleeding. However, if, despite these measures, the bleeding persists unabatedly, it is crucial that you seek further instructions by contacting us without delay.


Swelling is a normal and expected part of the recovery process following wisdom tooth removal. The extent of swelling depends on the complexity of the surgery performed. It is common to experience swelling around the mouth, cheeks, eyes, and sides of the face as a natural response to surgery and subsequent healing. However, it may take until the day after surgery for any noticeable swelling to occur, reaching its maximum intensity within 2-3 days postoperatively. To minimize swelling, immediate use of ice packs is highly recommended. You can place two baggies filled with ice or use specialized ice packs on both sides of your face where the procedure was done. Applying these ice packs for 20-30 minutes at a time while you are awake will help alleviate swelling effectively during the first 48 hours following surgery.

After this initial period, using ice no longer provides any beneficial effect in reducing inflammation or discomfort. If you continue experiencing some degree of swelling or jaw stiffness even after several days have passed since your operation, there's no need to worry; this is regarded as a normal reaction to surgical intervention. In fact, applying moist heat to both sides of your face starting from 48 hours after surgery can help reduce further size and discomfort caused by lingering inflammation.


Following your wisdom teeth removal surgery, it is crucial to effectively manage any pain or discomfort you may experience. To alleviate moderate pain, you can take Tylenol or Extra Strength Tylenol every four hours. Alternatively, two 200 mg tablets of ibuprofen (such as Motrin or Advil) can be taken every four hours as well. However, in cases of severe pain, it is imperative that you adhere strictly to the prescribed medication and take it precisely as directed. Please bear in mind that these medications might induce grogginess and slow down your reflexes; therefore, refrain from driving an automobile or operating machinery during this time. It is also advisable to abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages while managing post-operative pain effectively. Generally speaking, following surgical procedures like wisdom teeth extraction, any post-surgical discomfort should gradually diminish with each passing day. However, if persistent pain persists beyond what seems typical for your recovery process thus far, please do not hesitate to contact our office promptly for further attention and guidance.


After your wisdom tooth extraction surgery, it is crucial to be mindful of what you eat in order to promote a speedy recovery. Immediately following the procedure, especially if general anesthesia or I.V. sedation was administered, it is recommended that you start with liquids. However, it's important not to use straws as the sucking motion can dislodge the blood clot and cause bleeding. Instead, drink from a glass to avoid any complications. As soon as you are able to chew without discomfort near the surgical sites, you may introduce soft foods into your diet. It is essential during this time to focus on consuming high-calorie and high-protein meals or snacks as they aid in healing and provide necessary nourishment for a quicker recovery process. To prevent dehydration, make sure you regularly intake fluids throughout the day by drinking at least 5-6 glasses of liquid daily. Although your food intake might be limited initially due to discomfort or swelling, try not to skip any meals; maintaining regular eating habits will contribute to feeling better and having more strength during this period. Additionally, please exercise caution when changing positions from lying down to sitting up or standing; sudden movements may result in dizziness. If lying down after surgery, take a momentary pause by sitting for one minute before standing up.


After undergoing wisdom teeth removal surgery, it is crucial to maintain optimal oral hygiene for a smooth recovery. To keep your mouth clean and minimize the risk of infection, it is important not to rinse until the day following the procedure. This allows the blood clots to form properly and aids in healing. However, once that critical period has passed, you can gently brush your teeth on the second day after surgery. Be cautious while rinsing during this initial phase of dental care, as excessive force may disrupt the delicate healing process. Starting from the day after surgery, it is recommended to rinse your mouth at least 5-6 times daily, particularly after eating meals or snacks. Prepare a mixture by dissolving a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, which will serve as an effective antiseptic solution for cleansing your mouth post-surgery.


After your wisdom teeth removal surgery, it is important to note that discoloration may occur in some cases. This occurrence is completely normal and is due to the swelling that often follows such procedures. You might notice a slight change in skin color, with shades ranging from black, blue, and green to yellow. However, there is no need for alarm as this discoloration simply indicates blood spreading beneath the tissues. Typically, you can expect this post-operative occurrence around 2-3 days after your surgery. Applying moist heat directly on the affected area can prove beneficial to the effective removal of the discoloration.


After your wisdom teeth removal surgery, it is crucial to adhere to the post-operative instructions provided by your oral surgeon. One important aspect of these instructions revolves around antibiotics. Antibiotics play a vital role in preventing infections and ensuring a smooth recovery process. Your oral surgeon will prescribe specific tablets or liquid antibiotics tailored to your needs, which you must take exactly as directed. However, if you experience any unexpected reactions, such as a rash or other unfavorable symptoms while on antibiotics, it is imperative that you discontinue use immediately and seek medical advice from your oral surgeon's office without delay.


In the post-operative instructions immediately following a wisdom teeth removal surgery, it is important to address the potential occurrence of nausea and vomiting. We understand that this may be concerning, but please note that experiencing these symptoms is quite normal after such a procedure. If you experience nausea or vomiting, we advise against taking anything by mouth for at least an hour, including any prescribed medication. However, don't worry - we have some helpful suggestions to alleviate your discomfort. You should try sipping on carbonated beverages such as coke, tea, or ginger ale in small amounts over a fifteen-minute period while doing so slowly. This gradual consumption will aid in calming your stomach and relieving the sensation of nausea. Once the feelings of queasiness subside and you begin feeling more comfortable, you can gradually resume eating solid foods as well as taking any prescribed medication according to our guidelines.


  • Numbness of the lip, chin, or tongue is temporary and not a cause for alarm. Be cautious, as numbness may result in unintentional biting of the lip or tongue without feeling any sensation. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our office for assistance.
  • Slight elevation of temperature after surgery is normal, but if it persists, please notify our office. To reduce fever, take Tylenol or ibuprofen as directed.
  • Take care when transitioning from lying down to standing to prevent dizziness or lightheadedness. Prior to surgery, you were unable to eat or drink properly, and taking pain medications can further contribute to dizziness. To avoid sudden bouts of lightheadedness, sit for one minute before standing up.
  • Patients may occasionally feel hard projections in their mouth with their tongue, which are actually the bony walls that support the extracted tooth. These projections typically smooth out on their own but can be removed by our doctors if necessary.
  • It is not uncommon for the corners of your mouth to stretch and potentially dry out and crack after surgery. To keep your lips moist and prevent discomfort, we recommend applying an ointment such as Vaseline regularly.
  • Sore throats and pain while swallowing are normal occurrences post-surgery due to muscle swelling. This discomfort should subside within 2-3 days.
  • Following surgery, you may experience stiffness in your jaw muscles (known as Trimus), which can make it difficult to open your mouth fully. However, this is a common post-operative event that will resolve over time.


After your wisdom teeth removal surgery, sutures are placed in the surgical area to promote healing and reduce bleeding. If these sutures become dislodged, there is no need to worry. Simply remove them from your mouth and discard them. Typically, the sutures will dissolve on their own within a week after the surgery. However, if they need to be removed, this process is quick and painless, requiring no anesthesia or needles. As each day passes, you should notice a gradual decrease in pain and swelling. In case of worsening pain or swelling or any unusual symptoms, it's important to contact our office for further instructions. For now, you may have a cavity where the tooth was extracted; don't fret, as new tissue will gradually fill in this space over the next month. To ensure proper cleanliness after meals, rinse your mouth with salt water or gently brush using a toothbrush. Remember that every case is unique; therefore, rely on our doctors or your family dentist instead of seeking advice from well-meaning friends who cannot provide tailored guidance for your situation.

While brushing your teeth is still permissible, it should be done with utmost care and gentleness around the surgical sites. One potential complication to watch out for is a dry socket, which occurs when the blood clot prematurely dislodges from the tooth socket. If you experience pain at the surgical site or even radiating pain towards your ear within 3-7 days after surgery, it could be indicative of a dry socket, and you should immediately contact our office for further instructions. It's also crucial to note that regular exercise may need to be modified during this recovery period as your normal nourishment intake will likely decrease. Be cautious, as exercise can potentially weaken you; if you feel light-headed while working out, make sure to stop and rest. As time progresses following surgery, both pain and swelling should gradually subside each day, but do not hesitate to reach out if they worsen or any unusual symptoms arise.


6550 Mercantile Drive E Suite 101, Frederick, MD 21703

Phone: (301) 694-0870


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  • TUE7:30 am - 4:00 pm
  • WED7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • THU7:30 am - 4:00 pm
  • FRIBy appointments only
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1144 Opal Court, Hagerstown, MD 21740

Phone: (301) 733-2500


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  • TUE - WED7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • THU7:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • FRIBy appointments only
  • SAT - SUNClosed
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1007 Sushruta Dr, Martinsburg, WV 25401

Phone: (304) 263-0991


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